Stay off of Doomworld and ZDoom forums!
except for grabbing some projects.
They harbor vile scum.
Exhibits: A, B, C
Mods also read your private messages on both those forums.
E1M1 Nightmare Pacifist in 5 seconds lmp demo 1/9/ (video)
Used Ultimate doom.exe v1.9 and you must convert your doom.wad to The Ultimate Doom (Xbox) version using IWAD Converter or Omniscient patcher. IWAD Converter sets the original file dates and I had to use it to convert copies of my Final Doom wads to the Anthology versions. Omniscient has many more versions of more games to convert between.
Ray Mohawk 2 by DoomKid and others (I made map13 Terraced Estate of Terror) 12/8/ (idgames)(Forum thread)
Doomkid added a lot of good detail after I was trying too hard to work strictly within doom2.exe limits and had removed some detail to get rid of HOM.
I like how it turned out. Just wish I didn't have to cut down my own detail on a couple things as much.
Oldest E1M1 Romero version ever seen,
recreated from Nov 93 video tour of id (Forum thread) 2/21/
Recreates the experience seen at 9:35 of this video. Map showing differences.
Even Older E1M1 by Hall recreated using the yet older Alpha v0.5 (same thread)
Recreates map seen in second picture of beta levels gallery here.
Entry-Hangar Plus ( forum thread )
I tried to make definitive versions of several maps integrating everything I could from the
best PC version, alpha pre-beta versions or other older versions, and consoles.
Entry-Hangar is E1M1 seemlessly combined with MAP01 + PSX colored lighting (most versions)
+ X-Box secret exit made into a room with more detail + v1.0 & PSX thing placement etc.
E2M3, E2M7, E1M6, map02, map16 include console+alpha things but no colored lighting.
D1 version has more texture alignment done but no Doom 2 things. The biggest thing to
see is Altar of Extraction. D2 map08 version recommended for initial experience.
Took the mysterious 3DO Extramap and finished it properly incorporating many unused alpha
bits of maps and adding my own custom finale to really make it live up to its name.
Quick teaser video.
Here's an image of pieces that went to together to make it: (disconnected Spoiler Map)
3/14/20 - Doom 2 mini episode (Every map has a secret exit except 06 and 08)
for newer ZDoom based ports (Zandronum, LZDoom, GZDoom)
4/25/20 - universal Ultimate Doom 1 version, sporadic map replacement plus additional episode port specific maps. E4M1 Dehacked Doomball now works in the official Doom Classic. The Cacoball versions for ZDoom and Eternity are better though.
Includes Dehacked, Decorate, and Eternity definitions, but not all the Alpha thing emulation of the Doom 2 version. Even original dos Ultimate Doom is compatible with optional dehacked patch. Mapinfos included for various ports. Video of maps in Doom 1 version. Both versions have some maps the other doesn't until I finish another Doom 2 version. Doom 2 version has an improved version of this as a secret map.
5/30/22 Newest on mediafire 3/14/21 on or mediafire 3/09/21 version:
Puts Doom 1, Alpha version, Pre-release Doom 2, and more textures in Doom 2.
Good to make maps, or for use with any map that needs both Doom 1 & 2 textures.
Boom compatible anim and switch definitions.
Old dos doom2.exe compatible if you add all flats or delete nukage1-3 & blood1-3.
I made more textures for Twango1.wad maps 19 and 11, but have yet to add them to ClassicT.wad so feel free to grab them from there.
Here's some recent Hexen: 1/17/21Realms of Cronos
Requires GZDoom and Hexen.wad. Guillotine of the Gods is my map.
There's short writeup about the project here.
Here's some recent Heretic: 5/9/ (QuikHt1a.wad) - replacement episode 1 composed of maps converted from EntryHangar Plus. For Zandronum/LZDoom/GZDoom. Not entirely as polished as the Doom versions with a more limited texture set, but fun to try with various Heretic gameplay mods. See txt file.
Thanks to 2manypickles for featuring it in this video (at about 3:25).
Looks like someone put Uber Jason from Jason X into a Wolfenstein 3D mod! I saw one frame of those sprites on a Zdoom forum post before.
Short vid from at least 3 years ago here. Good to see all the finished frames though there might only be the front facing view.
Here's a Doomer Board's post where I discuss various homemade Friday the 13th games.
January, Friday the 17th 2025
Been uploading more videos to Rumble and here's an epic new one!
Features incredible Heathen music by the band, Norsewind! (with permission)
Warning: Spoils surprises in map09 Death-Cursed Cabin 3D in Friday the 13th: Jason's Doom.
Buy the expanded enhanced REKKR Sunken Land on GOG or Steam.
Oops, been so busy working on Friday the 13th: Jason's Doom, I forgot to update my own site about it. Last updated the mod a couple days ago. Now it features friendly counselors and all the enemies from the NES game.
AndroidFerret just made a cool new video of it for Halloween!
Just be aware that some additional mods used changed the weapon balance and caused Jason to stun more.
Don't be so quick to take down your Halloween decorations!
On the subject of other people's mods:
Added Simon's Destiny and the Castlevania III addon for it on sidebar links,
Because Doom and Castlevania are two of best game series there are. Friday 3/29/2024
Voorhees in Doom, Heretic, Heretic, or Strife!
Now added to the Moddb page of Friday the 13th: Jason's Doom.
Years ago, NeenerWiener made this mod inspired by Horror Entities and took Jason from old v2.0 of Jason's Doom.
(ZDoom thread)
I updated and enhanced it with added compatibility.
"It spawns Jason Voorhees in the map to chase you down and try to kill you,
adds a fun bit of spice to any Doom session.
One moment you're just shootin' away at your usual baddies
and the next comes Jason and now you're in fight or flight mode."
- NeenerWiener
I updated my variations based on the old version of Werner's Spahl's Doom Theme Patch
with a few fixes and combined them into single standalone wads.
Be sure to check out his latest developments on moddb.
Also updated on 2/20.
Saturday 2/18/2024
Dwango5 converted to Strife, Strango5.wad updated to v1.1.
Much more polished. Really needed this update.
EDIT NOTE: I originally posted gokweap3 a little after midnight.
I reuploaded it again a little less than 12 hours later.
The time on the good file is 11:47 AM.
(Adding another text change in the Language entry, I had forgot the semicolon.)
Big update to my decorate mod for Strife!
It's updated inside the and it's provided in its own zip.
Tested with Zandronum, Q-Zandronum, RZDoom, LZDoom, GZDoom, and K8vavoom.
Now spectral enemies can be damaged by anything.
I thought I could get away with just changing the spectral base thing they inherit
from, but they were inheriting it before it has my changed version replacing it.
Lots of colors changed, things given map ID #'s, and SpawnID #'s.
Added RebelTraior, EnemyStrifeGuy, EnemyStrifeGreen, AlliedStrifeGuy.
Macil2B and StrifeGuys have many different attacks.
Have items directly giving +10 stat bonuses, instead of just the quest tokens for them.
Beggars and many enemies drop more items.
About half the weapons make use of altfire.
Also Werner Spahl is updating his Doom Theme Patch again on moddb.
Sunday 2/11/2024
Released a conversion of Dwango5 to Strife with more additional maps and mods.
Totally overhauled my Strife Downloads section to catalog every known port, map, mod, and utility for the game, with lots of helpful information.
Doomer's Board Project #62 Haunting Hollow
has gotten a good update to v1.4. My map shouldn't give any trouble to classic purists running with -cl 2 now.
It was also alright in v1.2 but got messed up again for people in v1.3 though it seemed to work fine for me.
Now in v1.4 it's once again fixed as well as another map, with demos and a complvl lump added.
Thanks to Lee nocisum and AndroidFerret for recording videos! 1, 2, 3, 4
(Some other mods were used in some videos which restore Doom weapons we replaced or add more weapons.)
Added a collection of extra mods to run with Jason's Doom. So now others can play with the awesome look of AndroidFerret's video, but with the replaced weapons of our mod rather than them being reverted to Doom weapons.
Updated the FridayEdit specs and resource wad. It had some older versions of textures. And Bones1 through Bones12 still don't have the map ID#'s in v2.996 due to my forgetting to include them the last of a couple times I redid things. GZDoom v4.5 breaking down faked me out.
Under Theme17 AvPvT fixed. I added a link to Werner Spahl's most recently updated version I was previously unaware of.
Updated/Added some links on the top left bar of this site.
Nothing of mine but there's a new six map Strife Hub out, "Low On Ice" by Thelokk (idgames) (forum thread) (requires GZDoom).
Thanks to that I came across another new Strife two map project from a little over a year ago, "Rusty Shekels For Cinnamon Sap" by Xyzzy01 (idgames). This one makes extensive use of my Sehacked so you need Chocolate Strife.
I've added these new Strife maps under Strife downloads Wednesday, 12/13/2023
Updated Jason's Doom to v2.996 and now has its own project page on Moddb rather than being in blog entries.
Suggested server settings for hosting on Zandronum:
Survival Co-op, 2 Lives, Skill 4/UltraViolence, Item Respawn,
Player drops weapon additional dmflag.
Friday, 12/08/2023
Updated Friday the 13th: Jason's Doom to v2.995
Regular GZ/LZDoom and Zandronum versions released simultaneously.
Map01 is virtually the entire NES game to explore in 3D!
Destroy Jason Voorhees before he kills you!
Collect meager supplies and try to survive!
Bodies pile up as long as Jason lives!
All maps afterwards are more immediate action with more surprises!
Scenarios include:
Going for a Swim!
Crystal Lake Research Center!
Winter on the Lake!
Get whatever version under recent files at the top of this page.
Zandronum version, v2.995zan runs much smoother than v2.993zan did
since all OGG are converted to variable bitrate Mp3
and all Flac are converted to Wav.
Amount of other changes, tweaks, bug fixes, etc.
warranted updating both version to v2.995.
In case anyone has a bad framerate on map07, here's an option for better performance:
Since the console command puke 107 probably doesn't work in multiplayer without sv_cheats enabled.
Pressing on the back outside wall of the middle Lake Cabin will play the item respawn sound
and remove the snow spawners. Just the already spawned snow flakes will fall and be done.
(Wall with windows pointed at here)
puke 104 in the console tells Jason's current location.
puke 105 tells what day it is.
Press F1 for alternate map.
Recommended: Player Setup, Weapon Setup, Switch Without Ammo = NO
So when you throw your last pipebomb, it goes to the detonator,
instead of a different weapon.
Some rare unwanted monster infighting may happen in the Zandronum version
since it doesn't support the NOINFIGHTSPECIES thing flag.
(Some monster infighting is wanted.)
Survival mode with one life per a player should be cool in Zandronum.
Multiplayer currently untested but only issue should be music changes mixing up a little
due to location of the last player who went somewhere only being recognized.
Unless I do yet another ridiculously large amount of scripting to handle that.
Not sure I want to further bloat the scripting just for that one detail in multiplayer.
Beastly new update of Friday the 13th: Jason's Doom
Console commands for any map:
puke 104 tells Jason's current location.
puke 105 tells what day it is.
In map07 puke107 will remove the falling snow effect if your framerate is suffering.
puke107 also does something funny on map02.
Maps so far:
Map01 Camp Crystal Lake
(Virtually the whole NES game in Doom,
but you don't have anyone to save.
Just survive, collect things,
and try to destroy Jason before he kills you.
The bodies pile up the longer Jason lives!)
Map02 The Final Blood-Bath (v2.0 mod preserved with exact play balance
preserved but new visual polishing and features)
Map03 #@&% it! Going for a swim.
Map04 Oh dear...
Map05 We're not telling...
Map06 Crystal Lake Research Facility
Map07 Winter on the Lake
Map08 We're not telling...
Lots more content. More movie scenarios and scenarios not quite from any movie.
Lots of quality of life improvements such as:
Map01: You and Jason shouldn't be able to telefrag each other.
More freedom of movement in map01 forest, no longer constrained to narrow path.
Jason's path following further ensured up.
All fences and porch railings can be jumped over/on in map03 and 07.
Map06: Some more details. More health and ammo on lower skills.
Same number of soldiers plus the scientist from the beginning of Jason X.
More surprises!
v2.994 Zandronum version coming that will hopefully get a better framerate.
I think that port stutters on OGG sounds,
so going to try converting them to mp3 or wav.
Added a Zandronum compatible version, Friday the 13th Jason's Doom v2.993zan.
Some rare unwanted infighting might happen but it works.
The frame rate might not be as good, even though Zandronum is supposed to be less demanding.
Must run in hardware mode only, not software mode.
Tested but not extensively in Zandronum v3.1 and the latest DevBuild v3.2 alpha.
Haven't tried multiplayer in any ports yet, but maps are designed to at least support it.
All maps have coop starts 1-8 and ten deathmatch starts.
Updated Friday the 13th Jason's Doom to v2.993. Much more solid version with a load of new content.
Two new projects I worked on are available.
They're featured under recent files at the top of this page.
Friday the 13th: Jason's Doom total conversion
Kontra Kommando and I have recreated virtually the whole NES game in 3D in Doom + lots of bonus content including lots of references and influence from the entire movie series.
Map01 is the whole NES game minus having to save anyone and not having the nonsense zombies, wolves, bats, and crows that had nothing to do with the movies. Kontra Kommando mapped it out. I combined the v2.0 mod into it and then scripted almost the entire behavior of the 8-bit NES game in ACS plus a bunch more Decorate code.
Day-Sunset-Night cycle is timed similar to Castlevania 2.
Map02 is the v2.0 from 2014 with its exact balance preserved since it got such great reviews. But with new graphic polishing and features.
Designed to be playable on Nightmare (Tommy Jarvis skill) but all skills are considered.
More maps...?
Graphical maps and text guides I made are included in the zip.
Typing puke 104 in the console tells Jason's current location and puke 105 tells what Day it is.
Press F1 for alternate map.
Light the fireplaces to attain the flashlight and brighten the cave.
Old school style Guide for NES game of which much is applicable to this mod.
And my guides included with the mod are applicable to the NES game!
But you have to convert your iwad to the first xbox version. However, this is the LEGIT WORLD RECORD for E1M1 NOW, so ha.
Or here's a video for lazy people, or weirdos that don't have Doom.
OR how's this for a REAL LIFE pacifist run?!
I suppose now the slanderous media will be blaming oh-so-violent video games for pacifism when we're supposed to be making war not love.
Added recent projects I contributed maps to, Twango1 and Ray Mohawk 2.
Added a bunch of links including Quake 1 stuff.
Added over 143 textures to ClassicT.wad. Uploaded new version to and leaving old March 9th version on
So far it's all older stuff on those two pages compared to the recent stuff at the top of this one. There's currently some redundency on both pages but different selections of Alpha resources. Things may get reorganized over time. There's some bigger, unfinished projects in between missing. Hopefully I can make something a little more presentable and just put out more quality original maps sometime in the future.
Recreated a couple different unreleased Doom E1M1 versions by video and a map picture.
A Hexen project, Realms of Cronos, I contributed a map to was released.
Check them out under Recent Projects up above.
Haven't messed with C&C in a while but my downloads on C&C page don't work too well with the new remaster.
They're designed for's versions and setup which is surely getting even better now that they have the game's source code.
The remasters are pretty sweet. Pay no attention to people whining about the videos they could only improve so much from the source material
without reshooting them with acters who are over 25 years older now and not all still around.
Updated my C&C pages with updates to most of the files and here's some awesome news elsewhere.
Updated QuikHt0 to QuikHt1 and then QuikHt1a. Took the time to do a better conversion of UDMF EntryHangar for E1M6 and did some work on other maps.
Good evening once again gentlemen and fine ladies.
A top rate talented announcer is now available for ZDaemon and Odamex up there under projects.
5/1/2020 Happy Beltaine!
Added a quickly converted Heretic version of EntryHangarPlus maps.
4/26/2020 Again!
Good evening gentlemen and fine ladies.
With all this current downtime and nothing being filmed, one of the most distinguished A-List actors has nothing better to do than lend his voice talents to a wad (actually a .pk3) for Doom, yessiree.
Just grab it up there under recent Doom files and put in your announcer subfolder and select him under sound options in Zandronum or whatever port supports announcers. Delight as one of the greatest actors of all time narrates your collection of powerups, or the vigorous action of online deathmatch, capture the flag, or Skulltag.
4/26/2020 Screens from newly released Doom 1 EntryHangar Plus
E7M1 Quad Cacoball for newer ZDooms. E6M1 for Eternity is nearly identical.
E7M2 Crazy Dankey Kang for newer ZDooms.
Get past the barrels and punch him to win.
Based on this Crazy Kong bootleg.
4/25/2020 Coming back.
Yo mofos. Enjoy some ani-gifs in the meantime.
I pet a squirrel in my yard.